Java 6 Port: Developer Preview Release 2 for Leopard and Tiger

22 Nov 2007, 16:50 PST

Community Process

I'd like to thank everyone who has downloaded, tested, and reported bugs. The result is "Developer Preview Release 2" -- Thanks!

If you haven't already, consider downloading a copy and running your software. Let me know how it works out for you!

Changes since Release 1


Bug fixes

Fetching and Building from Source


The build has been simplified. To build the 32-bit JVM:

cd control/make
make ALT_BOOTDIR=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Home \

The following additional make options are available:

To build with extra debugging code and symbols, use the "debug_build" target.

To target Tiger, set the MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET environmental variable to "10.4", and pass DARWIN_SDK=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk as a make flag. The Tiger SDK currently must be build on Leopard, due to bugs in the 10.4 compiler's -mstackrealign code generation. This is on the long-term to-be-fixed list.

Fetching the source

Sources are available as a downloadable archive, or from a mercurial repository. To download the source code, you must be a licensee in good standing under the Java Research License. To ensure compliance, downloading the source requires authentication:

Username: 'jrl' and Password: 'I am a Licensee in good standing'

Download: jdk6_devpreview_r2.tar.gz (sig)

The development repository is also available via mercurial: The release tag is jdk6_devpreview_r2.

By downloading this source code, you certify that you are a Licensee in good standing under the Java Research License of the Java 2 SDK, and that your access, use, and distribution of code and information you may obtain at this site is subject to the License. Please review the license at, and submit your license acceptance to Sun.

Binary Access

I am making available the SoyLatte binary release. (Red Hat already claimed IcedTea, and I drank a lot of double soy lattes while working on this. Plus, I think it's funny).

SoyLatte is based on the BSD Port of Sun's Java 6 JDK, and is made available under the Java Research License. JDK and Java are trademarks of Sun. Like RedHat, I want to make it exceptionally clear that while SoyLatte is a port of Java, it is not Sun's Java, JDK, or OpenJDK. Unlike IcedTea, SoyLatte is made available under the JRL. Please see below for a licensing discussion.

By downloading these binaries, you certify that you are a Licensee in good standing under the Java Research License of the Java 2 SDK, and that your access, use, and distribution of code and information you may obtain at this site is subject to the License. Please review the license at, and submit your license acceptance to Sun.


Binaries are available for Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5 (32-bit), and Mac OS X 10.5-only (64-bit). The soylatte directory can be placed anywhere on your system -- I chose /usr/local/soylatte16-amd64. Like other Java platforms, setting the JAVA_HOME and PATH environmental variables to point at these locations will work as expected.

32-bit JDK for Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5: soylatte16-i386-r2.tar.gz (sig)

64-bit JDK for Mac OS X 10.5: soylatte16-amd64-r2.tar.gz (sig)

To ensure compliance, downloading the source requires authentication:

Username: 'jrl' and Password: 'I am a Licensee in good standing'

Feature TODO List

I'll start looking at all of these eventually, but feel free to jump in:

JSR 223 JavaScript Support

Sun has pulled Rhino from the JRL and OpenJDK (GPLv2) sources, due to concerns regarding licensing. As a work-around, there is a BSD-licensed javascript JSR223 engine implementation, using Rhino, available via

We have built and tested with Rhino version 1.6 release 5. There is a Rhino based JavaScript engine bundled in JDK 6 ( The JDK 6 bundled version is based on Rhino 1.6 release 2. Unlike JDK 6 bundled engine, all Rhino features (optimizer, E4X) are enabled in this version.

This seems to work as a drop-in replacement for Sun's code. Here's JavaScript Hello World using Rhino 1.6r5 and the Scripting package:

java -cp ~/Downloads/jsr223/javascript/build/js-engine.jar:/tmp/rhino1_6R7/js.jar:. EvalScript
Found engine factory: com.sun.phobos.script.javascript.RhinoScriptEngineFactory
Found engine factory: com.sun.phobos.script.javascript.EmbeddedRhinoScriptEngineFactory
Hello, World

I am looking into the feasibility of integrating this solution.


The Mac OS X work is based heavily on the BSD Java port, which is licensed under the JRL. The BSDs develop Java under the JRL; FreeBSD has negotiated a license with Sun to distribute FreeBSD Java binaries based on the JRL sources.

As the Mac port stabilizes, I am merging my work upstream into the BSD port, and in turn, it is a goal of the FreeBSD Java project to merge their work into OpenJDK. I've signed a Sun Contributor Agreement in preparation for this, and an OpenJDK Porters group has been proposed:

While the JRL makes this initial port possible, OpenJDK's GPLv2+CE licensing makes development and distribution far simpler. I hope to contribute this work to OpenJDK as soon as is feasible.

Submitting Bug Reports

There are bugs, and you're likely to find one. The most useful bug report is one that includes a simple, compilable reproduction case -- that gives me what I need to track down the really tricky bugs.

In submitting a bug, please include the following information:

Bug reports may be submitted to landonf (at) macports (dot) org.